Conditions of purchase and return

Anyday OÜ, number of the state registration 12324663 (further the Seller) and the Customer who makes out the order in Online store (further Online store) and identifies himself, specifying in the order the contact information (further the Customer), have concluded the present Terms of service (further Terms of service)).

I. Online store

1.1. In the Online store created by the Seller there is a sale of goods to the Customer.

II. General

2.1. The relations of the parties are governed by the Law on the Debt right and other legal acts of the Republic of Estonia with which Terms of service is agreed.

2.2. The seller has the right at any time to make changes to the offered services and goods.

2.3. The seller has the right to unilaterally change conditions of Terms of service without the need for the written notice of the Customer.

III. Goods and purchase

3.1. The goods displayed in Online store usually are available in a warehouse. Availability of goods of Online store can change on technical problems of a warehouse or program malfunctions of Online store.

3.2. If the goods are absent in a warehouse, and the order can't be executed, then the administrator of Online store contacts the Customer and offers, whenever possible, other time of delivery, replacement by other goods or a refund. In the latter case money comes back to the Customer within 14 calendar days.

3.3. The photos accompanying goods are only illustrations and can differ from the actual goods. The descriptions/characteristics accompanying goods don't apply for exhaustive informational content and may contain typos. For obtaining more detailed information it is necessary to contact department of service.

3.4. The goods offered in Online store are on sale to both physical, and legal entities.

3.5. The client confirms that his age 15 and more years.

3.6. Having chosen desirable goods, the Customer has to fill a contact information which is necessary for implementation of the order and to pay the order.

3.7. The client has to provide the valid data which are necessary for implementation of the order at registration. The seller isn't responsible for correctness and validity of the data provided by the Customer and the consequences caused by their discrepancy.

3.8. Sale is made only when into the account of the Seller the payment corresponding to the order from the Customer arrives.

3.9. The seller reserves the right to refuse sale in case of the following problems: at publication of the price there was a human mistake or a technical mistake in system (for example if the laptop worth 500 euros is suddenly offered for sale for 50 euros, then the obvious mistake is available. Proceeding from it we hope for understanding of clients as it is about a mistake, and the goods can't be sold for the specified cost).

IV. Prices

4.1. The prices of Online store are presented to euro and don't contain a payment for delivery. The cost of delivery is added to the goods price.

4.2. The Seller has a right at any time to change the prices presented in Online store. If the goods price in Online store was replaced after execution of the order and receipt of payment from the Customer, then the Seller is obliged to execute delivery according to data of the made order. The Customer has no right to demand compensation of a difference in the price.

V. Delivery time and delivery terms

5.1. The Customer has an opportunity to choose between in several ways delivery:

5.1.1. Goods are delivered to the Customer by the courier within Estonia.

5.1.2. Goods are delivered to the Customer in the post automatic machine.

5.1.3. The client himself comes for goods in shop.

5.2. If the Customer chooses express service, then delivery happens within 2-7 working days. All parcels are insured before date of transmission to their Customer.

5.3. If the Customer wishes to take away goods independently and has selected the corresponding item at execution of the order, then purchase can be taken away after obtaining the notice from the Seller of implementation of the order from the Digikas shop located at the address: Tartu mnt. 87, Tallinn, Sikupilli Keskus. The Seller informs the Customer that the goods are ready to delivery by phone, the message of SMS or by e-mail within 1-7 working days from the moment of receiving payment of the order for the settlement account of the Seller.

5.4. Delivery of the ordered goods is made only to the Customer who is marked out in the order on presentation of the document proving the identity: passports, ID cards or driver's license.

5.5. Delivery time can be longer for goods by the special order or if it is specified on the page of goods.

5.6. The client undertakes to take away goods within three (3) months from the moment of delivery in Digikas shop. Is later than this term the Seller has a right to utilize goods.

VI. Derogation from the contract before implementation of the order by the Seller

6.1. If the Customer wishes to refuse the perfect order after his registration, but before implementation of the order by the Seller, then he has to notify the Seller as soon as possible in writing. The written notice needs to be sent to the e-mail address. It is necessary to specify the order number which the Customer wishes to refuse in the notice.

6.2. If the declaration of abandonment turns out the Seller after implementation of the order, then the refusal of the contract happens according to the section "Right of Return" of this Terms of service.

6.3. The seller returns to the Customer the paid sum within 14 days from the moment of obtaining the notice on refusal of the order.

6.4. Money is transferred to the same settlement account from where they have arrived.

VII. Right of return

7.1. For the goods acquired in Online store the right of return within 14 days from the moment of purchase works.

7.2. The returned goods have to be unused, without defects, in a full complete set and original unopened packing. If the goods have been acquired on an action, and other goods, services or gift cards have been attached to it, then it is necessary to return a complete set (that is all goods).

7.3. The right of return doesn't extend to open audio-and video carriers, the software and to goods which contain the software.

7.4. About return of goods it is necessary to submit the corresponding application for e-mail.

7.5. At return it is necessary to provide the check about purchase and if it is required, the warranty card of the producer.

7.6. The right of return works only to standard goods and doesn't apply to special orders (for example if the standard configuration of the ordered computer has been changed according to desire of the client).

7.7. The right of return works only for natural persons.

7.8. At return of goods money is transferred back within 14 days from the moment of receiving goods from the Customer.

7.9. Money is transferred to the same account from where payment from the Customer has arrived.

7.10. The transportation costs connected with return are paid by the Customer.

7.11. In case after return of goods it becomes clear that it doesn't correspond to points 7.1. – 7.7. the present Terms of service, then the Customer doesn't receive back money, and the returned goods remain in his property. The expenses connected with storage and return of goods are born by the Customer.

VIII. Order of representation of claims

8.1. The goods acquired in Online store are affected by the term of presentation of claims lasting 2 years according to VÕS §218 part 2 for natural persons. For legal entities the term of presentation of claims is defined by the guarantee period provided by the producer.

8.2. Processing of claims happens according to the Appendix No. 1 to Terms of service "An order of processing of claims".

IX. Responsibility

9.1. The seller is responsible for product cost. The seller doesn't bear responsibility for the damage caused by a defective product, such as, for example, loss of programs or information, loss of a turn or profit.

9.2. The client is obliged to use services of Online store only within the law, not for the malicious purposes.

9.3. The client is responsible itself for safety of data during the work with the software.

9.4. The client answers completely according to this Terms of service and the legislation in case of causing damage on the fault to the Seller or the third parties when using of Online store.

X. Discrepancies

10.1. The discrepancies which have arisen in points of Terms of service between the Customer and the Seller are resolved according to the existing legal acts of the Republic of Estonia. In case of not achievement of the arrangement the dispute is solved in court.

XI. Use conditions

11.1. Acquaintance with conditions of this Terms of service is obligatory for the Customer.

11.2. Noting a tick, at execution of the order, the "I agree to the terms of service" point, the Customer agrees that he is informed of Terms of service, has understood and agrees with conditions of Terms of service of Online store.


Andmekaitse tingimused

Anyday OÜ, registrikoodiga 12324663 (edaspidi Andmetöötleja), andmekaitse tingimused on ostu sooritamisel müügilepingu lahutamatuks osaks juhul, kui klient annab oma isikuandmeid.

Klient on isik, kes on registreerunud kliendiks e-poes või loonud endale e-poes kasutajakonto, sh registreerub kliendiks seoses kauba soetamisega järelmaksuga e-poest, või ostab e-poest kaupu külalisena.

I. Üldsätted

1.1. Käesolev privaatsuspoliitika reguleerib isikuandmete kogumist, töötlemist ja säilitamist käsitlevaid põhimõtteid. Isikuandmeid kogub töötleb ja säilitab isikuandmete vastutav andmetöötleja.

1.2. Andmesubjekt privaatsuspoliitika tähenduses on klient või muu füüsiline isik, kelle isikuandmeid andmetöötleja töötleb.

1.3. Klient privaatsuspoliitika tähenduses on igaüks, kes ostab andmetöötleja kodulehelt kaupu või teenuseid.

1.4. Andmetöötleja järgib õigusaktides sätestatud andmete töötlemise põhimõtteid, muuhulgas töötleb andmetöötleja isikuandmeid seaduslikult, õiglaselt ja turvaliselt. Andmetöötleja on võimeline kinnitama, et isikuandmeid on töödeldud vastavalt õigusaktides sätestatule.

II. Isikuandmete kogumine, töötlemine ja säilitamine

2.1. Isikuandmed, mida andmetöötleja kogub, töötleb ja säilitab, on kogutud elektrooniliselt, peamiselt kodulehe ja e-posti vahendusel.

2.2. Oma isikuandmete jagamisega annab andmesubjekt andmetöötlejale õiguse koguda, korraldada, kasutada ja hallata privaatsuspoliitikas määratletud eesmärgil isikuandmeid, mida andmesubjekt otse või kaudselt kodulehel kaupu või teenuseid ostes andmetöötlejale jagab.

2.3. Andmesubjekt vastutab selle eest, et tema poolt esitatud andmed oleksid täpsed, õiged ja terviklikud. Teadlikult valeandmete esitamist peetakse privaatsuspoliitika rikkumiseks. Andmesubjekt on kohustatud andmetöötlejat viivitamatult teavitama esitatud andmete muutumisest.

2.4. Andmetöötleja ei vastuta andmesubjekti poolt valeandmete esitamisest põhjustatud kahju eest andmesubjektile või kolmandatele osapooltele.

III. Klientide isikuandmete töötlemine

3.1. Kliendi isikuandmed, mida töödeldakse, võivad sisaldada ees- ja perekonnanime, sünniaega ja/või isikukoodi, telefoninumbrit ja/või mobiiltelefoni numbrit, e-posti aadressi, kauba kohaletoimetamise aadressi, kauba tarnimise viisi, kauba eest tasumisel kasutatud makseviisi, pangakonto numbrit, järelmaksu taotlemise andmeid, võrguidentifikaatoreid (IP-aadress), andmeid kliendi ostetud kaupade kohta (ostuajalugu) ja klienditoe andmeid.

3.2. Lisaks eeltoodule on andmetöötlejal õigus koguda kliendi kohta andmeid, mis on kättesaadavad avalikes registrites.

3.3. Isikuandmete töötlemise õiguslik alus on isikuandmete kaitse üldmääruse paragrahv 6 lg 1 p-d a), b), c) ja f):

3.3.1 Andmesubjekt on andnud nõusoleku töödelda oma isikuandmeid ühel või mitmel konkreetsel eesmärgil;

3.3.2 Isikuandmete töötlemine on vajalik andmesubjekti osalusel sõlmitud lepingu täitmiseks või lepingu sõlmimisele eelnevate meetmete võtmiseks vastavalt andmesubjekti taotlusele;

3.3.3 Isikuandmete töötlemine on vajalik vastutava töötleja juriidilise kohustuse täitmiseks;

3.3.4 Isikuandmete töötlemine on vajalik vastutava töötleja või kolmanda isiku õigustatud huvi korral, välja arvatud juhul, kui sellise huvi kaaluvad üles andmesubjekti huvid või põhiõigused ja -vabadused, mille nimel tuleb kaitsta isikuandmeid, eriti juhul kui andmesubjekt on laps.

3.4. Isikuandmete töötlemine vastavalt töötlemise eesmärgile. Töötlemise eesmärk – julgeolek ja turvalisus, tellimuse töötlemine, e-poe teenuste toimimise tagamine, kliendihaldus, finantstegevus, raamatupidamine, turundus. Andmetöötleja säilitab andmesubjektide isikuandmeid nii kaua, kui neid on vaja töötlemise eesmärgi saavutamiseks, kuid mitte kauem kui seadusest tulenevate nõuete aegumistähtaegade lõpuni.

3.5. Andmetöötlejal on õigus klientide isikuandmeid jagada kolmandate isikutega, kelleks on näiteks volitatud andmetöötlejad, raamatupidajad, transpordi- ja kullerettevõtted, ülekandeteenuseid pakkuvad ettevõtted Andmetöötleja on isikuandmete vastutav töötleja. Andmetöötleja edastab maksete teostamiseks vajalikud isikuandmed volitatud töötlejale: Montonio Finance UAB.

3.6. Andmesubjekti isikuandmete töötlemisel ja säilitamisel rakendab andmetöötleja organisatoorseid ja tehnilisi meetmeid, mis tagavad isikuandmete kaitse juhusliku või ebaseadusliku hävitamise, muutmise, avalikustamise ja mis tahes muu ebaseadusliku töötlemise eest.

IV. Andmesubjekti õigused

4.1. Andmesubjektil on õigus saada ligipääs oma isikuandmetele ning nendega tutvuda.

4.2. Andmesubjektil on õigus saada informatsiooni tema isikuandmete töötlemise kohta.

4.3. Andmesubjektil on õigus täiendada või parandada ebatäpseid andmeid.

4.4. Kui andmetöötleja töötleb andmesubjekti isikuandmeid andmesubjekti nõusoleku alusel, siis on andmesubjektil õigus igal ajal nõusolek tagasi võtta.

4.5. Andmesubjekt saab õiguste teostamiseks pöörduda e-poe klienditoe poole.

4.6. Andmesubjektil on oma õiguste kaitseks võimalik esitada kaebus Andmekaitse Inspektsioonile.

V. Lõppsätted

5.1. Käesolevad andmekaitsetingimused on koostatud kooskõlas Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määrusega (EL) nr 2016/679 füüsiliste isikute kaitse kohta isikuandmete töötlemisel ja selliste andmete vaba liikumise ning direktiivi 95/46 / EÜ kehtetuks tunnistamise kohta / EÜ (isikuandmete kaitse üldmäärus), Eesti Vabariigi isikuandmete kaitse seadusega ning Eesti Vabariigi ja Euroopa Liidu õigusaktidega.

5.2. Andmetöötlejal on õigus andmekaitsetingimusi osaliselt või täielikult muuta, teavitades andmesubjekte muudatustest kodulehe kaudu.


Appendix №1. Order of processing of claims

1. The goods acquired in Online store are affected by the term of presentation of claims lasting 2 years according to VÕS §218 part 2 for natural persons. For legal entities the term of presentation of claims is defined by the guarantee period provided by the producer.

2. Concepts:

2.1. Examination - clarification of existence and the reasons of emergence of breakage of the Seller by technical department or firm dealer of a concrete product.

2.2. Independent examination - completely paid examination made upon the demand of the Customer at the independent expert in case the Customer isn't satisfied with results of the examination which is carried out by the Seller.

3. A claim can be made on shortcomings of a design, production and materials.

4. The period of presentation of claims begins to work from the date of purchase of goods.

5. The basis for presentation of a claim is the document on sale and if it is required, the completed warranty card.

6. A claim can make for e-mail or in representation of the Seller.

7. The seller doesn't eliminate free of charge the malfunctions of goods which have arisen during the term of presentation of claims in case they are caused:

7.1. Problems in work of a product which are caused by accident or wrong action from the Customer;

7.2. Problems in operation of the device which are caused by change of technical properties by the persons or service which aren't possessing the corresponding certification from the producer of a product;

7.3. Problems which reason was an ignoring of instructions of the instruction to a product;

7.4. Problems in work of a product which are caused by use in unappropriated environment conditions for him;

7.5. Problems in work of a product which have arisen from electric discharge or are caused by force majeur circumstances;

7.6. Problems which are caused by connection to inappropriate power supply (including to the power supply network without grounding);

7.7. Problems which are caused by electric damage from association with other devices;

7.8. The problems which have resulted from installation by the Customer in a product of operating systems or the other software which weren't got from the Seller;

7.9. The damage of the computer caused by ignoring by the Customer of the parameters of computer components designated by the producer;

7.10. Defects if on products and details serial numbers, control or marking stickers are damaged, changed or removed.

8. The seller doesn't answer:

8.1. For safety of data, on the devices brought in repair.

8.2. For the defects which have remained uncorrected in case they were investigated during repair or if the Customer hasn't notified on them in date of transmission of a product in repair.

9. If the product brought in repair wasn't used according to conditions about use, then the right of presentation of claims doesn't work also the Seller, with the consent of the Customer, repairs a product according to the existing price list.

10. A claim should be made in writing, in a state language and, whenever possible, with the clear description of defects.

11. The claim isn't subject to the decision if the Seller certifies that the shown defects have arisen because of the Customer. Claims aren't training in use by goods, adjustment, service, cleaning, restoration of a trade dress and also elimination of the defects caused by non-compliance with instructions for use.

12. The seller is obliged, in case of a divergence of opinions on the causes of defects in a product, to do examination within 6 months from the date of sale of a product. If examination shows that the defect has appeared because of the Customer, and the Customer doesn't agree with it, then the Customer has a right to demand conducting independent examination. If independent examination shows that the defect has appeared because of the Customer, then expenses for conducting independent examination are paid by the Customer.

13. It is necessary to pay a payment for examination and additional connected expenses for the carried-out examination of the device (transportation, storage and to that similar) in case the Seller doesn't bear responsibility for the arisen malfunctions of the device and also if repair of the device is impossible. Also the client pays examination and additional connected expenses (transportation, storage and to that similar) in case by results of examination at the device malfunctions weren't revealed and the device works according to technical requirements of the producer. The natural person shouldn't pay for examination within the first 6 months from the moment of purchase.

14. If at goods on the made complaint it is impossible to carry out repair, or production of this product is stopped, then the Seller has the right with the consent of the Customer to make equivalent replacement of goods.


Support e-mail for statements, requests, notices and any other information:
In English the translation from Estonian of the original text of Terms of service is presented. For acquaintance with the original text it is necessary to switch to website in Estonian.
Terms of service of Online store, conditions of purchase and return, appendix №1 and privacy policy valid from 14.08.2024